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Canada By Canoe
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Welcome to Ontario Explorer, the only map-based tourism and travel search platform for the province of Ontario. This platform gives you a complete map-based tour of the province through a series of descending travel maps encompassing all tourism and travel activities in Ontario. The national version of this platform CanExplore has just been released.

Use the Introduction if you need help using this engine. The visitors help section gives special help for visitors from Canada, the U.S. and around the world. Clicking on the Ontario Explorer logo returns you to this menu.

Ontario Explorer is proud to be the host platform for the Canada by Canoe Expedition. This epic odyssey will span Canada from Quebec to the Northwest Territories, and for a good cause too! Read about it here.

Special Features

Dive Into the Net is a specialized search platform that targets the scuba diving environment within the province. It is a subset of Ontario Explorer but contains distinct information pertinent to divers such as shipwreck locations, specialized photogallery and business index

In association with Amazon Books Ontario Explorer will be offering a selection of books on topics related to this site. You can browse our book catalogue, or click on the logo and go directly to Amazon.

Our newest feature is our company store where you can order merchandise online. Our first offering is our Ontario Explorer Fridge Magnets. Beautiful photographic images from around Ontario are bonded to magnets and are ready to display. They are a very popular item.

Canada By Canoe

Erin McKnight, a Missisauga woman is two-thirds through her epic journey to paddle across Canada for charity. Read about her odyssey

Canada by Canoe. The site has been migrated to our national platform CanExplore. You will be able to follow the expedition live throughout the following months.

About Ontario Explorer


Welcome to the inaguration of Ontario Explorer a map-based search engine for the province of Ontario. This page is a generalized version of its "sister-ship"

Dive Into the Net which is a scuba diving exploration platform for Ontario.

Our Mission

The main purpose of this search engine is to allow the potential traveller to Ontario to explore the endless tourism possibilities within the province and contact the necessary businesses and support services that they may need. This site is inherently graphical in nature and so your images should be turned on. Your browser should support client side sensitive maps. The site will work best with Netscape 2 or higher. If you are a new visitor to the site, be sure to visit the Introduction menu before you begin your search. It will explain how the site is layed out and show you how to navigate the sites various indexes easily and quickly.

Special Note

In this initial release regions one through four are active. If you click on regions five through twelve or access any Great Lake you will be linked into Dive-Into-The-Net. While this is a platform that caters specifically to the diving community the maps and overview offered are comprehensive enough to allow a general exploration until the remaining sections of Ontario Explorer are issued. The remaining maps will be released in the next few months.

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