SITE INDEX: [MAIN MENU] [American Visitors] [World Wide Visitors] [Canadian Visitors] [MAP INDEX]
PAGE INDEX: [GIS] [Web Site Layout] [About Map Icons and Features] [About Visitors]
Diving is by its very nature geographic; they are called dive SITES for a reason. It is most likely that you are interested in diving in a specific place. Ontario is far too large to dive more than a few locations in a single trip. The search engine will lead you through Ontario in a narrowing search that provides you full information about the zone you are visiting The purpose of this engine is to allow you to plan your diving activity by site. Since a GIS is map based, it is important that you can support graphics on your browser. We have endeavoured to keep the maps simple and compact to avoid long delays in transmission, and no image appears that is not essential to the search. The end result is a suprisingly fast graphical search (our maps are carefully made and average 5-10 Kb each). If you are familiar with Ontario, you can use this site with the graphics turned off and navigate with the menus if you prefer. This search engine provides a series of maps in descending order. The highest-order maps begin with a view of North America. From there you can proceed to Ontario, which is further subdivided into twelve tourist regions. Within each region individual dive sites and shops will appear. Within each sub-region the search ends in individual dive sites, shops and towns. You are not forced to navigate through every map level. At any point you can skip levels and zoom in to regions of specific interest. The Map Index allows you to to proceed directly to any map within the site from a master table of contents, rather than clicking through numerous pages. The maps are nested. Within each region there may be several maps, which may in turn contain several maps. Then index lists them by indenting maps that are contained within a higher one: The example below shows that REGION 1 contains two maps: SITE 1 and SITE 2. The map of SITE 2 contains two maps: North Island and Main Land. The North Island map contains three sub-maps. Each item on the list is separately clickable and will bring you to that specific map and document Region1 This is essentially a site phone book. What it allows you to do is quickly find the name, address, and phone number of any advertiser on the site. From there you can quickly link to the associated advertisement, and map. This allows you to look up information about a shop you know by name, and wish to work backwards from. Or if you wish to contact numerous shops quickly. Further Symbols are also used, and may be sensitive In some cases you will find sensitive icons on top of sensitive features.--such as a dive flag icon on top of a sensitive town or region. In general clicking on the sensitive region will bring you to a closeup of that region, and the dive flag will still appear. Clicking on the sensitive icon will pull you in quite closer, often directly to the dive shop add (if it is a single-shop icon), or to a closer map that will allow you to discriminate the single icon into several smaller ones. Images or maps that have black borders are not clickable. A blue border indicates a sensitve image that may have internal sensitive zones. Since many of the maps are around water, the colour YELLOW is also used to designate sensitive areas. Also a combination of yellow and blue. Within an image if the mouse pointer turns into a hand, it is a sensitive spot. Also, read the status bar on your browser. It will show the file name the link will take you to. If you slide across two joining sensitive features, you will see the target name change, and the pointer may flicker between a hand and an arrow, indicating a border was hit.Geographical Information Systems
Web Site Layout
Map Search
Map Index
Quick Index
Map Icons and features
Features versus Icons
Also, the following features are sensitive:
How Can I tell if features are sensitized?
These brief pages contain some special information that may help potential divers who wish to travel to Ontario from outside. Basic information on the highways, laws, and currency exchange are provided.
You will note the abscence of a BACK menu option. Since you can descend through the maps in many ways I have no idea which document is 'Back' for you. Use the BACK and FORWARD buttons on your browser instead; they are faster as well.
All material in this site is copyrighted and may not be copied or used without written permission of the owner; excepting downloads for personal use. Similarly, a club or dive organization may download the site onto a computer for quicker access off-line without violating the copyright, provided the information is not sold, modified or used for other purposes.
The author of the site has endeavored to keep the information as accurate and up to date as possible, but is not responsible for any errors or ommisions. The user of the site should verify all conditions/information before planning a dive. NONE OF THE MAPS ARE INTENDED FOR NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSES.
All information in advertisements is provided by the business concerned and the author of this site makes no claim as to its reliability or accuracy.
SITE INDEX: [MAIN MENU] [American Visitors] [World Wide Visitors] [Canadian Visitors] [MAP INDEX]
© M. Colautti 1996-1999, 2000>
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