It is the Provincial Regions Map that is most useful in giving you an overview of Ontario that you can breakdown further.
This index is divided into major categories by scale. Under a map listing several indented maps may be listed. Each time an indent occurs, this indicates a map appearing within the larger one above. You can reach each level of maps from this index, or from each map document itself.
Ontario's position within North America, it's relative position with the U.S. and border crossing points.
Ontario Provincial regions established by Ministry of Tourism. Overview of the five great Lakes and their relative position. General overview of diving in Ontario.
Detailed breakdown of dive locations, support services, accomodations. Maps reach street level detail, or end in advertising home pages for businesses. Currently regions 1,3 and 6 have undergone the most development. The remaining regions are still under construction.
Individual maps of each great lake, general information on the lake diving conditions, climate composition etc. Indication of the major diving centres along the shoreline.
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ontario scuba diving map index ontario scuba diving map index ontario scuba diving map index ontario scuba diving map index ontario scuba diving map index ontario scuba diving map index ontario scuba diving map index